Did You know? - Paul & Dixon Insurance

Did You know?

Fight Impaired Driving – Impaired driving is no accident. It’s a serious and deadly crime that kills every 30 minutes. The Impaired Driving Division of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) works to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce traffic-related healthcare and economic costs resulting from impaired driving due to alcohol and other drugs. NHTSA collaborates with criminal justice and community organizations to sponsor impaired driving campaigns. For toolkits and resources, visit www.stopimpaireddriving.org.

Disability Connection

Disability.gov provides easy access to comprehensive disability-related resources, including programs, services, laws, and regulations to help people with disabilities lead full, independent lives. With a few clicks, visitors will find information on a variety of topics, including benefits, civil rights, community life, education, emergency preparedness, employment, housing, health, technology, and transportation. Information is available by state. Log on to www.disability.gov for more information.

Holiday Safety

Each year, fires during the holiday season claim the lives of over 400 people, injure 1,650 more, and cause over $990 million in damage. According to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), an entity of the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency, there are several simple life-saving strategies that will help to ensure a safe and happy holiday. Follow the precautionary tips and be sure to check your smoke alarms. Learn more at www.usfa.dhs.gov.


Fax: 508-990-1784

Hours: Mon-Fri

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


388 County Street
New Bedford, MA 02740


4436 Acushnet Ave
New Bedford, MA 02745